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Do you maintain a GitHub Action? Contribute to the SecureWorkflows project!

Join the SecureWorkflows Project: A Call to Action for GitHub Action Owners to Strengthen Open Source Software Supply Chain Security

Determine Minimum GITHUB_TOKEN Permissions Using eBPF with StepSecurity Harden-Runner

Automate minimum GitHub token permissions using eBPF and secure your CI/CD pipelines with precision

GitHub Actions Goat - a Deliberately Vulnerable GitHub Actions CI/CD Environment

Delve into the intricacies of GitHub Actions Security by forking the GitHub Actions Goat project and learning by doing. All you need to follow the hands-on tutorials is your GitHub Account

8 GitHub Actions Secrets Management Best Practices to Follow

Explore how to use GitHub Actions secrets securely by restricting organizational secrets, using secrets exclusively for sensitive data, and implementing least privileged access.

Celebrating Milestones: 1500 Repositories Secured with Harden-Runner and Expanding to More CI/CD Providers

Harden-Runner secures 1,500 open-source repositories and 2,000,000+ CI/CD pipeline runs as StepSecurity expands to more CI/CD providers

Introducing AI-CodeWise: Revolutionizing Code Reviews with AI-Powered Analysis

StepSecurity's AI Code Reviewer aims to transform the way we maintain code quality and identify security vulnerabilities

Introducing the Runtime Detections UI for StepSecurity Harden Runner

Consolidated view of past CI/CD runtime detections across GitHub Actions workflows in your organization

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